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Hanae (花絵)

Embrace the excitement that awaits with Hanae, a sensuous and captivating London-based Japanese escort hailing from Kochi. As a 26-year-old, she brings a unique blend of youth and experience to each encounter. Her luscious brown locks only serve to accentuate her warm, alluring smile, and she possesses the striking charm that few can match.

As a skilled and specialized masseuse, Hanae offers a unique combination of pampering and pleasurable experiences. With her enticing body and a talent for providing genuine companionship, she surpasses the typical GFE (girlfriend experience) service. Her seductive and passionate nature creates a flawless balance of passion and connection, making her an unforgettable escort experience.

Hanae’s primary focus is ensuring a pleasurable and memorable time for every client. With her endearing and vivacious persona, be prepared to be swept away by her distinct charm, unique charisma, and undeniable appeal. Whether it’s a romantic dinner or dancing the night away, her versatility and adaptability cater to any client’s preference.

With an unparalleled dedication to her craft and an unspoken ability to effortlessly blend her services, Hanae will undoubtedly bring a new level of excitement and satisfaction to any arrangement. She invites you to explore her world and indulge in experiences like never before. Contact her today to book your unforgettable encounter and experience the sensuality of true Asian escorts. She’s ready to make your fantasies a reality.

Call or Text 07418372011
Hanae (花絵)
Languages Spoken:
English & Japanese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 9in
Incall Location:
Holborn WC2B
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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