Hotaru (蛍)

A sheer delight to experience, I am Hotaru, a sophisticated and alluring Japanese escort with a deep connection to the sensational world of tantric massage. I hail from the picturesque city of Sapporo, showcasing my authentic Japanese essence, while embracing the glamorous environment in London’s trendy Baker Street neighborhood. Lean in and indulge in the sensual essence of my services.

At 34 years young, Hotaru has eyes that sparkle with youthful enthusiasm, while her chocolate brown locks gracefully frame her energetic personality. As a Mature Masseuse, Hotaru possesses a sophisticated charm that leaves every client longing to discover more. Bringing a unique touch to her repertoire, Hotaru offers the enchanting Tantric Massage – a mesmerizing journey of pleasure and relaxation.

Whether booking a professional in-call service or indulging in an intimate home setting through an alluring outcall experience, Hotaru invites you to indulge in moments of enchantment with an authentic busty mature escort. With her petite yet formidable physique adorned by a busty presence and her natural charms, a night with Hotaru is a truly unforgettable experience.

Let the sensual seduction unfold, and surrender yourself to the rhythmic touch of Hotaru’s skilled hands that expertly guide you through a passionate dance of tantalizing delights. Discretion is of utmost importance, as her services cater to discerning men’s needs. Allow your senses to be teased and tantalized by embracing this sensual voyage into the world of Japanese seduction that only Hotaru can offer. Book a rendezvous with Hotaru now and prepare for the unbridled passion that awaits you.

Call or Text 07418372011
Hotaru (蛍)
Languages Spoken:
English & Japanese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 7in
Incall Location:
Baker Street NW1
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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