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Saya (紗也)

Welcome to the tantalizing world of Saya, an exceptional Japanese escort, hailing from the picturesque city of Kanazawa and finding her solace in London’s luxurious Kensington neighborhood. This captivating courtesan is not only elusive, but with her chic, vibrant aura, eager to offer some of the most incredible intimate experiences for those who seek adventure.

Saya believes in fulfilling diverse desires and injecting powerful sensations into every encounter. At the tender age of 29, she possesses a striking beauty that captivates her clients with her slender enchanting physique. Buoyed by her youth, Saya constantly seeks to provide the utmost satisfaction, utilizing her incredible body to enthrall those who lay before her.

Additionally, to top her evocative allure, Saya is no stranger to the world of Oral-with-Objects play, more affectionately known as “OWO.” Incorporating this particular sensual practice into her repertoire only adds a cherry on top of the indulgent, exquisite experiences she has to offer. Quite simply, Saya is a thrilling emanation of the unstoppable allure that is Japanese eroticism, and she invites you to explore the enchanting realms of intimate bliss with her.

May your fascination for exploring the complexities of human desire, in its numerous, creative forms, be met by Saya’s dutiful and unwavering dedication to providing the ultimate pleasurable experience.

Call or Text 07418372011
Saya (紗也)
Languages Spoken:
English & Japanese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 7in
Incall Location:
Kensington W8
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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