Si (思)

Welcome to the alluring world of Si, your exquisite Chinese masseuse from the bustling city of Shanghai. Now based in the luxurious surroundings of Belgravia, London, I offer a unique blend of Tantric massage techniques and tantalizing storytelling to help you escape from the shair of daily life and explore your deepest desires.

As a mature yet sensual 35-year-old, my body is adorned with luscious brown hair and generous curves that will leave you breathless. My breasts are firm and inviting, begging to be caressed as I work my magic on your tense muscles. I take pride in offering an unparalleled experience that will awaken your senses and leave you craving more.

Are you ready to indulge in a journey of pleasure and fulfillment? With each stroke of my skilled hands, you’ll feel the weight of the world melt away as your body succumbs to the power of my touch. As I weave erotic tales tailored specifically for you, your imagination will run wild with desire, heightening the intensity of our encounter.

My tantric massage techniques are designed to awaken every nerve ending, bringing you to the brink of ecstasy before drawing out your release in waves of pure bliss. By the end of our time together, you’ll feel a sense of wholeness and satisfaction that only Si, your Shanghainese seductress, can provide.

So why settle for ordinary Chinese escorts in London when you can have the extraordinary? With Si, you’ll experience a unique fusion of Eastern and Western sensuality that will leave you craving more. Are you ready to taste the forbidden fruit? Call me now and let’s explore the depths of pleasure together.

Call or Text 07418372011
Si (思)
Languages Spoken:
English & Chinese
Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Vital Stats:
5ft 7in
Incall Location:
Belgravia SW1X
Outcalls Covering: London homes,hotels + Heathrow
30 Min Incall:
1 Hour Incall:
1 Hour Outcall:
Additional Hours:
Overnight Rate:

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